Weed of the Week Project
An eight Week series of Advertorials raisingawareness on priority and emerging weedspecies in the North West of NSW
The issue
The severe drought conditions in the North West of NSW have had many impacts,however one issue that landholders need to be aware of is the potential forincreased weed incursions on their properties due to lack of groundcover andintroduction of new weed species through fodder from other regions/states.Also, we wanted to raise awareness in the general community, urban included,about the dangers posed by some of the introduced species which may be growingin their gardens.
The solution
Northern Slopes Landcare consulted with the North West Regional Weeds Committee- comprised of North West LLS, Council Weeds officers representing the 6 shires ofthe North West Region, and the North West Cacti Coordinator, to select the eightinvasive weed species (both priority and emerging) of most concern in our region.The species selected were Harrisia Cactus, Blue Heliotrope, St Johns Wort, GreenCestrum, African Lovegrass, Fireweed, Tropical Soda Apple, and Parthenium. Usingfunding from MEPAAW phase 2, an advertorial on each of these species wasdeveloped, giving a summary of the potential impacts of each, in some casescontrol options including biocontrol, and in all cases it was recommended that theoccurrence be reported to the Landholders' local Council Weeds officer so thatassistance could be given in removing/containing the plant.The advertorials were placed in the North West Magazine, which goes out toapproximately 30,000 households across the North West region and into SouthernQueensland. Additionally, the ads were placed on Facebook and Instagram, wherethey reached over 600 people.
The impact
Measuring the impact of this project has been difficult. While we know we reachedover 600 people on Facebook and Instagram, it is impossible to know how manypeople actually read the information published in the paper. When the droughtbreaks however, and regrowth begins, it is hoped that landholders will report anynew weeds growing in their paddocks to their Local Council Weeds officers, so thatthey can get assistance in controlling and/or eradicating the weed from theirproperty
- If landholders identify any new incursions of Priority or emerging weeds on their property, they should contact their Council WeedsOfficer for assistance in controlling/eradicatingit.
- It is anticipated that many weeds will appear in new areas due to the introduction of seedsnthrough drought fodder supplies.
- NSW DPI's Weedwise App can be a very useful tool for landholders in identifying weed species on their properties